My Financial Personality Type
My Most Important Resource
My most important resource is money. I'm a pragmatic person and a saver.
My most important resource is money. I'm a pragmatic person and a saver.
My Most Important Resource
I'm a spender and money is my most important resource. But a spender's most important resource is time, so what really is my financial philosophy? What do my other financial habits look like?
I'm a spender and money is my most important resource. But a spender's most important resource is time, so what really is my financial philosophy? What do my other financial habits look like?
My Most Important Resource
I'm a philanthropist and my most important resource is money. Money is important because I like to give to others. But, how much do I value time?
I'm a philanthropist and my most important resource is money. Money is important because I like to give to others. But, how much do I value time?
My Most Important Resource
I have a pretty good hold of my finances and that money is my most important resource. But, what do my other financial habits look like?
I have a pretty good hold of my finances and that money is my most important resource. But, what do my other financial habits look like?
My Most Important Resource
I'm a saver, and I believe that money is a finite resource, but time as my most important resource.
I'm a saver, and I believe that money is a finite resource, but time as my most important resource.
My Most Important Resource
I'm a spender and time is my most important resource. I can never buy more time.
I'm a spender and time is my most important resource. I can never buy more time.
My Most Important Resource
I'm a philanthropist and time is my most valuable resource. I care about others and give them my time and share my financial resources with them.
I'm a philanthropist and time is my most valuable resource. I care about others and give them my time and share my financial resources with them.
My Most Important Resource
I have a pretty good hold of my finances and time is my most important resource. But, am I sure I have everything covered?
I have a pretty good hold of my finances and time is my most important resource. But, am I sure I have everything covered?
My Most Important Resource
I'm a saver and both money and time are important to me.
I'm a saver and both money and time are important to me.
My Most Important Resource
I'm a spender and both time and money are important to me. As a spender I like to live in the moment, but have I planned beyond that?
I'm a spender and both time and money are important to me. As a spender I like to live in the moment, but have I planned beyond that?
My Most Important Resource
I'm a philanthropist and both time and money are my most valuable resources. I care about others and give them my time and share my financial resources with them.
I'm a philanthropist and both time and money are my most valuable resources. I care about others and give them my time and share my financial resources with them.
My Most Important Resource
I have a pretty good hold of my finances and both money and time are my most important resources. But, am I sure I have everything covered?
I have a pretty good hold of my finances and both money and time are my most important resources. But, am I sure I have everything covered?
Time and money are both limited resources and we never have as much as we need. Time goes by faster than we realize. Have I planned for what happens next? What about the financial future of my loved ones?
My Shopping Habits
I always buy brand name products. I know that switching to reasonably priced generic products could help me save money, but I'm happier with brand name quality. Even though I spend money on top name products, I'm not sure if my spending habits align with a bright financial future. I try to save, but maybe I need to look closer.
I always buy brand name products. I know that switching to reasonably priced generic products could help me save money, but I'm happier with brand name quality. Even though I spend money on top name products, I'm not sure if my spending habits align with a bright financial future. I try to save, but maybe I need to look closer.
My Shopping Habits
I buy brand name products because I have an eye for beauty and elegance. I prefer quality and am willing to pay for it. I know these products are typically more expensive but I can afford it. Even though I spend money on top name products, I'm not sure if my spending habits align with a bright financial future. I spend as I see fit, but maybe I need to look closer.
I buy brand name products because I have an eye for beauty and elegance. I prefer quality and am willing to pay for it. I know these products are typically more expensive but I can afford it. Even though I spend money on top name products, I'm not sure if my spending habits align with a bright financial future. I spend as I see fit, but maybe I need to look closer.
My Shopping Habits
I spend my money on brand name products and that's OK because I have a philanthropist's philosophy and you like to give to others. Even though I spend money on top name products and I give to others, I'm not sure if my spending habits align with a bright financial future. I spend as I see fit, but maybe I need to look closer.
I spend my money on brand name products and that's OK because I have a philanthropist's philosophy and you like to give to others. Even though I spend money on top name products and I give to others, I'm not sure if my spending habits align with a bright financial future. I spend as I see fit, but maybe I need to look closer.
My Shopping Habits
I'm a spender, saver, and philanthropist. I am in a really good position. It is nice to be comfortable and rewarding to be able to give to others. However, even with my discipline and good habits, I wonder if my financial future is a bright as it should be.
I'm a spender, saver, and philanthropist. I am in a really good position. It is nice to be comfortable and rewarding to be able to give to others. However, even with my discipline and good habits, I wonder if my financial future is a bright as it should be.
My Shopping Habits
Buying generic brand products is a reasonable way to save money that helps me afford other expenses. However, sometimes I wonder if I use these savings wisely to better my financial situation and future.
Buying generic brand products is a reasonable way to save money that helps me afford other expenses. However, sometimes I wonder if I use these savings wisely to better my financial situation and future.
My Shopping Habits
I'm a well-behaved spender and I buy generic products. Buying generic is a reasonable way to save money that helps me afford other expenses. However, sometimes I wonder if I use these savings wisely to better my financial situation and future.
I'm a well-behaved spender and I buy generic products. Buying generic is a reasonable way to save money that helps me afford other expenses. However, sometimes I wonder if I use these savings wisely to better my financial situation and future.
My Shopping Habits
I have a philanthropist's philosophy and I buy generic products. Buying generic is a reasonable way to save money that helps me help others. However, sometimes I wonder if I use these savings wisely to better my financial situation and future.
I have a philanthropist's philosophy and I buy generic products. Buying generic is a reasonable way to save money that helps me help others. However, sometimes I wonder if I use these savings wisely to better my financial situation and future.
My Shopping Habits
I'm a spender, saver, and philanthropist. I am in a really good position. It is nice to be comfortable and rewarding to be able to give to others. Buying generic is a reasonable way to save money that helps me afford other expenses. However, sometimes I wonder if I use these savings wisely to better my financial situation and future.
I'm a spender, saver, and philanthropist. I am in a really good position. It is nice to be comfortable and rewarding to be able to give to others. Buying generic is a reasonable way to save money that helps me afford other expenses. However, sometimes I wonder if I use these savings wisely to better my financial situation and future.
My Shopping Habits
Sometimes buying generic brand products is a reasonable way to save money that helps me afford other expenses. However, I wonder if I use these savings wisely to better my financial situation and future.
Sometimes buying generic brand products is a reasonable way to save money that helps me afford other expenses. However, I wonder if I use these savings wisely to better my financial situation and future.
My Shopping Habits
I try to be smart and look for sales at the store but I also buy high end products. Sometimes buying generic brand products is a reasonable way to save money that helps me afford other expenses. However, I wonder if I use these savings wisely to better my financial situation and future.
I try to be smart and look for sales at the store but I also buy high end products. Sometimes buying generic brand products is a reasonable way to save money that helps me afford other expenses. However, I wonder if I use these savings wisely to better my financial situation and future.
My Shopping Habits
I have a philanthropist's philosophy and I sometimes buy generic products. Buying generic brand products is a reasonable way to save money that helps me afford other expense and lets me help others. However, I wonder if I use these savings wisely to better my financial situation and future.
I have a philanthropist's philosophy and I sometimes buy generic products. Buying generic brand products is a reasonable way to save money that helps me afford other expense and lets me help others. However, I wonder if I use these savings wisely to better my financial situation and future.
My Shopping Habits
I'm a spender, saver, and philanthropist. I am in a really good position. It is nice to be comfortable and rewarding to be able to give to others. Sometimes buying generic brand products is a reasonable way to save money that helps me afford other expenses and lets me help others. However, sometimes I wonder if I use these savings wisely to better my financial situation and future.
I'm a spender, saver, and philanthropist. I am in a really good position. It is nice to be comfortable and rewarding to be able to give to others. Sometimes buying generic brand products is a reasonable way to save money that helps me afford other expenses and lets me help others. However, sometimes I wonder if I use these savings wisely to better my financial situation and future.
My Shopping Habits
Sometimes buying generic brand products is a reasonable way to save money that helps me afford other expenses. However, I wonder if I use these savings wisely to better my financial situation and future.
Sometimes buying generic brand products is a reasonable way to save money that helps me afford other expenses. However, I wonder if I use these savings wisely to better my financial situation and future.
My Shopping Habits
I try to be smart and look for sales at the store but I also buy high end products. Sometimes buying generic brand products is a reasonable way to save money that helps me afford other expenses. However, I wonder if I use these savings wisely to better my financial situation and future.
I try to be smart and look for sales at the store but I also buy high end products. Sometimes buying generic brand products is a reasonable way to save money that helps me afford other expenses. However, I wonder if I use these savings wisely to better my financial situation and future.
My Shopping Habits
I have a philanthropist's philosophy and I sometimes buy generic products. Buying generic brand products is a reasonable way to save money that helps me afford other expense and lets me help others. However, I wonder if I use these savings wisely to better my financial situation and future.
I have a philanthropist's philosophy and I sometimes buy generic products. Buying generic brand products is a reasonable way to save money that helps me afford other expense and lets me help others. However, I wonder if I use these savings wisely to better my financial situation and future.
My Shopping Habits
I'm a spender, saver, and philanthropist. I am in a really good position. It is nice to be comfortable and rewarding to be able to give to others. Sometimes buying generic brand products is a reasonable way to save money that helps me afford other expenses and lets me help others. However, sometimes I wonder if I use these savings wisely to better my financial situation and future.
I'm a spender, saver, and philanthropist. I am in a really good position. It is nice to be comfortable and rewarding to be able to give to others. Sometimes buying generic brand products is a reasonable way to save money that helps me afford other expenses and lets me help others. However, sometimes I wonder if I use these savings wisely to better my financial situation and future.
My Partner’s Money Habits
I'm a saver but my spouse isn't and it is driving me nuts! I really need to pay attention to this and get ahead of it. I know that money is one of the major factors that results in failed marriages and partnerships. I can't stray away from talking to an expert to make sure this doesn't turn into a wedge in our relationship.
I'm a saver but my spouse isn't and it is driving me nuts! I really need to pay attention to this and get ahead of it. I know that money is one of the major factors that results in failed marriages and partnerships. I can't stray away from talking to an expert to make sure this doesn't turn into a wedge in our relationship.
My Partner’s Money Habits
I'm a spender but my spouse's spending is much worse than mine and it's driving me nuts! I really need to pay attention to this and get ahead of it. I know that money is one of the major factors that results in failed marriages and partnerships. I can't stray away from talking to an expert to make sure this doesn't turn into a wedge in our relationship.
I'm a spender but my spouse's spending is much worse than mine and it's driving me nuts! I really need to pay attention to this and get ahead of it. I know that money is one of the major factors that results in failed marriages and partnerships. I can't stray away from talking to an expert to make sure this doesn't turn into a wedge in our relationship.
My Partner’s Money Habits
I'm a philanthropist, and my spouse's approach to money drives me nuts! I really need to pay attention to this and get ahead of it. I know that money is one of the major factors that results in failed marriages and partnerships. I can't stray away from talking to an expert to make sure this doesn't turn into a wedge in our relationship.
I'm a philanthropist, and my spouse's approach to money drives me nuts! I really need to pay attention to this and get ahead of it. I know that money is one of the major factors that results in failed marriages and partnerships. I can't stray away from talking to an expert to make sure this doesn't turn into a wedge in our relationship.
My Partner’s Money Habits
I thought I had my entire financial situation all figured out, but my spouse's approach to money drives me nuts! Maybe I don't have everything all figured out... I really need to pay attention to this and get ahead of it. I know that money is one of the major factors that results in failed marriages and partnerships. I can't stray away from talking to an expert to make sure this doesn't turn into a wedge in our relationship.
I thought I had my entire financial situation all figured out, but my spouse's approach to money drives me nuts! Maybe I don't have everything all figured out... I really need to pay attention to this and get ahead of it. I know that money is one of the major factors that results in failed marriages and partnerships. I can't stray away from talking to an expert to make sure this doesn't turn into a wedge in our relationship.
My Partner’s Money Habits
I'm a saver but my spouse is super cheap. Maybe we are a money mismatch. I know this combination of partners can work for a while but communication is key. I wonder if talking with an expert trained in these areas would be helpful.
I'm a saver but my spouse is super cheap. Maybe we are a money mismatch. I know this combination of partners can work for a while but communication is key. I wonder if talking with an expert trained in these areas would be helpful.
My Partner’s Money Habits
I'm a spender and my spouse is too cheap. Maybe we are a money mismatch. They are tight with a buck and my philosophy is to live my life and worry about the consequences later. I know this can work for a while, but communication and talking things through is essential. I wonder if talking with an expert trained in these areas can help.
I'm a spender and my spouse is too cheap. Maybe we are a money mismatch. They are tight with a buck and my philosophy is to live my life and worry about the consequences later. I know this can work for a while, but communication and talking things through is essential. I wonder if talking with an expert trained in these areas can help.
My Partner’s Money Habits
I'm a philanthropist and my spouse is too cheap. Maybe we are a money mismatch. They are tight with a buck and my philosophy is to live my life and worry about the consequences later. I know this can work for a while, but communication and talking things through is essential. I wonder if talking with an expert trained in these areas can help.
I'm a philanthropist and my spouse is too cheap. Maybe we are a money mismatch. They are tight with a buck and my philosophy is to live my life and worry about the consequences later. I know this can work for a while, but communication and talking things through is essential. I wonder if talking with an expert trained in these areas can help.
My Partner’s Money Habits
I thought I had my entire financial situation all figured out, but my spouse is really cheap. Maybe we are a money mismatch. They are tight with a buck and my philosophy is to live my life and worry about the consequences later. I know this can work for a while, but communication and talking things through is essential. I wonder if talking with an expert trained in these areas can help.
I thought I had my entire financial situation all figured out, but my spouse is really cheap. Maybe we are a money mismatch. They are tight with a buck and my philosophy is to live my life and worry about the consequences later. I know this can work for a while, but communication and talking things through is essential. I wonder if talking with an expert trained in these areas can help.
My Partner’s Money Habits
I'm a saver and my spouse is amazing with money. I'm super lucky! I know, most of us want to protect what we have and get more of it, so having a money wizard in the house is good news.
I'm a saver and my spouse is amazing with money. I'm super lucky! I know, most of us want to protect what we have and get more of it, so having a money wizard in the house is good news.
My Partner’s Money Habits
I'm a spender and my spouse is amazing with money. I'm super lucky! I know, most of us want to protect what we have and get more of it, so having a money wizard in the house is good news.
I'm a spender and my spouse is amazing with money. I'm super lucky! I know, most of us want to protect what we have and get more of it, so having a money wizard in the house is good news.
My Partner’s Money Habits
I'm a philanthropist and my spouse is amazing with money. I'm super lucky! I know, most of us want to protect what we have and get more of it, so having a money wizard in the house is good news.
I'm a philanthropist and my spouse is amazing with money. I'm super lucky! I know, most of us want to protect what we have and get more of it, so having a money wizard in the house is good news.
My Partner’s Money Habits
Me and my spousre are both amazing with money. I'm super lucky! I know, most of us want to protect what we have and get more of it, so having a money wizard in the house is good news.
Me and my spousre are both amazing with money. I'm super lucky! I know, most of us want to protect what we have and get more of it, so having a money wizard in the house is good news.
Planning My Financial Future
I’m planning for my financial future by .
No one likes to talk about life insurance, but what happens when I’m gone? going to be able to cover all my expenses or will they be left with a major loss of income and big bills to cover? Have I done enough for them?
I wonder if I have enough life insurance already. I'm not alone. 70% of American’s with life insurance are underinsured. This doesn't have to be me because life insurance is 3 times more affordable than people realize.
We have local licensed agents available right now to go over this with you to make sure that your going to be taken care of.
70% of the people in America who have life insurance policies are underinsured? I can't let this be me.
Life insurance is the most simple thing I can check off my to do list today to make sure my family is okay if something were to happen to me. The best time to buy life insurance (which is much cheaper than most people think) is when I'm young. The next best time is today.
Here's what you need to do next....
My Most Important Resource
Money is my most important resource. I have discipline and resist immediate satisfaction for a greater reward later on. Planning is important to me.
Money is my most important resource. I have discipline and resist immediate satisfaction for a greater reward later on. Planning is important to me.
My Most Important Resource
Time is my most important resource. I can never buy more time. I live for the moment and seize every opportunity I can. I'm not afraid to take a risk and if I fail I get back up again and learn from my mistakes. Some people say I'm fearless.
Time is my most important resource. I can never buy more time. I live for the moment and seize every opportunity I can. I'm not afraid to take a risk and if I fail I get back up again and learn from my mistakes. Some people say I'm fearless.
My Most Important Resource
Money and time are equally important to me. I know that we are only on this Earth for so long and to enjoy our lives, but I also know to be realistic and responsible with my finances. It's important to find a balance for a happy and healthy life.
Money and time are equally important to me. I know that we are only on this Earth for so long and to enjoy our lives, but I also know to be realistic and responsible with my finances. It's important to find a balance for a happy and healthy life.
My Dream Job
Being a tenured professor is my closest dream job. I like to educate others and like the security of knowing if I put in my time my position and career will be secure.
Being a tenured professor is my closest dream job. I like to educate others and like the security of knowing if I put in my time my position and career will be secure.
My Dream Job
I would love to run my own business. I'm an explorer and adventurer. I know that sometimes you have to take risks and they can pay off big. I love to try to new things and get tired of the same day to day routines. I like to mix things up to keep life interesting.
I would love to run my own business. I'm an explorer and adventurer. I know that sometimes you have to take risks and they can pay off big. I love to try to new things and get tired of the same day to day routines. I like to mix things up to keep life interesting.
My Dream Job
I would enjoy working for the government or being in the military. I want to be part of a team and work towards something I believe in. I am a patriot and love to be surrounded by people that believe in things like I do.
I would enjoy working for the government or being in the military. I want to be part of a team and work towards something I believe in. I am a patriot and love to be surrounded by people that believe in things like I do.
My Dream Job
I want to work for an established company. Stability and certainty is important in life. I have a plan to get the life I want. Putting in my time and having faith will take me where I want to go.
I want to work for an established company. Stability and certainty is important in life. I have a plan to get the life I want. Putting in my time and having faith will take me where I want to go.
My Dream Job
I would LOVE to work in a start up. I like new and exciting things. I recognize risk but are good at calculating it and I win often. I have innovative ideas and want to challenge the status quo. I'm an explorer in the world.
I would LOVE to work in a start up. I like new and exciting things. I recognize risk but are good at calculating it and I win often. I have innovative ideas and want to challenge the status quo. I'm an explorer in the world.
My Dream Job
I would LOVE to work in a start up. I like new and exciting things. I recognize risk but are good at calculating it and I win often. I have innovative ideas and want to challenge the status quo. I'm an explorer in the world.
I would LOVE to work in a start up. I like new and exciting things. I recognize risk but are good at calculating it and I win often. I have innovative ideas and want to challenge the status quo. I'm an explorer in the world.
Dealing with a Challenging Project
When I am faced with a new challenge at work I think it's best to get direction from the boss. I'd rather do it the way they want it done than to have to re-do it later.
When I am faced with a new challenge at work I think it's best to get direction from the boss. I'd rather do it the way they want it done than to have to re-do it later.
Dealing with a Challenging Project
When I am faced with a new challenge at work I want to find my own way. I believe that I have great solutions to problems and I look forward to the challenge. I think that I should be paid based on my results and not just for showing up.
When I am faced with a new challenge at work I want to find my own way. I believe that I have great solutions to problems and I look forward to the challenge. I think that I should be paid based on my results and not just for showing up.
Dealing with a Challenging Project
When I am faced with a new challenge at work I will usually start on my own but seek advice from above. I don't mind starting things but would rather be safe than sorry.
When I am faced with a new challenge at work I will usually start on my own but seek advice from above. I don't mind starting things but would rather be safe than sorry.
Dealing with a Challenging Project
When I am faced with a new challenge at work, I get a little angry. I don't like new projects and would prefer not to get them. Sometimes I think people just make changes for the sake of changing it. There is nothing wrong with how most of my job is done and I don't see any reason for a change. If it isn't broken, don't fix it.
When I am faced with a new challenge at work, I get a little angry. I don't like new projects and would prefer not to get them. Sometimes I think people just make changes for the sake of changing it. There is nothing wrong with how most of my job is done and I don't see any reason for a change. If it isn't broken, don't fix it.
Dealing with Failure
When I have a big failure I am devastated. I work hard and when I put my heart into something, I'm invested in it. I'll bounce back eventually, but I never really forget my failures.
When I have a big failure I am devastated. I work hard and when I put my heart into something, I'm invested in it. I'll bounce back eventually, but I never really forget my failures.
Dealing with Failure
If I have a big failure at work, it energizes me. I am going to bounce back bigger and better than before. Nothing can stop me. If I want something, I find a way to get it. I find a way to make it work.
If I have a big failure at work, it energizes me. I am going to bounce back bigger and better than before. Nothing can stop me. If I want something, I find a way to get it. I find a way to make it work.
Dealing with Failure
If I put my heart into a big project and it fails, it definitely hurts but I'll bounce back. Some of life's best lessons are from mistakes I've made. Ultimately, I don't let it get me down and I keep moving forward. On to bigger and better things.
If I put my heart into a big project and it fails, it definitely hurts but I'll bounce back. Some of life's best lessons are from mistakes I've made. Ultimately, I don't let it get me down and I keep moving forward. On to bigger and better things.
Dealing with Failure
If I had a big failure at work, it doesn't really bother me. I'm there for a pay check, not for the business. I have other things I'm more interested in and would rather be spending my time on.
If I had a big failure at work, it doesn't really bother me. I'm there for a pay check, not for the business. I have other things I'm more interested in and would rather be spending my time on.
My Work Philosophy
My work philosophy is you should put in an honest day's work for an honest day's pay. I'm happy with the same job at the same company for a long time. As long as I do the work, they should take care of me and I should be secure.
My work philosophy is you should put in an honest day's work for an honest day's pay. I'm happy with the same job at the same company for a long time. As long as I do the work, they should take care of me and I should be secure.
My Work Philosophy
I want to be paid on the results I produce. I dream of starting my own business and I'm not afraid to take risks. I'm OK with uncertainty and I like new things.
I want to be paid on the results I produce. I dream of starting my own business and I'm not afraid to take risks. I'm OK with uncertainty and I like new things.
My Work Philosophy
I believe I should be paid based on my years on the job. Seniority is important and I think that people need to respect that. I have a pension or retirement account that I have been paying into and it will take me into my old age.
I believe I should be paid based on my years on the job. Seniority is important and I think that people need to respect that. I have a pension or retirement account that I have been paying into and it will take me into my old age.
My Work Philosophy
I just want to wind the lottery. I'm a dreamer. I have a good imagination and sense of humor. I probably won't win the lottery, but I already know how I will spend the money if I do.
I just want to wind the lottery. I'm a dreamer. I have a good imagination and sense of humor. I probably won't win the lottery, but I already know how I will spend the money if I do.
My Money Philosophy
I use my money as a tool and am a good steward of it. I have a good grip on money and the things it's used for. I have savings and investments. I think I know what my financial future looks like for me and my loved ones but I'm always interested in reviewing those plans to make sure I've done enough before it is too late.
I use my money as a tool and am a good steward of it. I have a good grip on money and the things it's used for. I have savings and investments. I think I know what my financial future looks like for me and my loved ones but I'm always interested in reviewing those plans to make sure I've done enough before it is too late.
My Money Philosophy
I feel like a slave to money. There is never enough of it. I wonder what my financial future is going to look like. I don't know what the future looks like for my loved ones and I really need to start thinking about it more seriously before it is too late.
I feel like a slave to money. There is never enough of it. I wonder what my financial future is going to look like. I don't know what the future looks like for my loved ones and I really need to start thinking about it more seriously before it is too late.
My Money Philosophy
Money feels like a roller coaster. There is never enough of it. I wonder what my financial future is going to look like. I don't know what the future looks like for my loved ones and I really need to start thinking about it more seriously before it is too late.
Money feels like a roller coaster. There is never enough of it. I wonder what my financial future is going to look like. I don't know what the future looks like for my loved ones and I really need to start thinking about it more seriously before it is too late.
My Money Philosophy
My money philosophy is easy. I've got everything covered. I know that my future is secure if I stick with the plan. I probably need to review it frequently though to make sure nothing has changed and that I am doing enough for me and my loved ones. I look forward to discussing my finances with others to make sure I'm on the right path.
My money philosophy is easy. I've got everything covered. I know that my future is secure if I stick with the plan. I probably need to review it frequently though to make sure nothing has changed and that I am doing enough for me and my loved ones. I look forward to discussing my finances with others to make sure I'm on the right path.
Continuum – those who avoid spending at all costs to those who generally save but also won’t shy away from spending on things they feel are valuable.
You delay gratification and can resist the temptation of an immediate reward in order to wait for a later, often better, reward. You see the big picture and avoid falling prey to the day-to-day whims of your emotions.
You delay gratification and can resist the temptation of an immediate reward in order to wait for a later, often better, reward. You see the big picture and avoid falling prey to the day-to-day whims of your emotions.
- You have a growth mindset
- You’re calculated – the opposite of impulsive
- You’re future oriented
- You’re organized and in control of your emotions
- You’re highly driven
- You spend less than you earn
- You likely started saving at a young age
- You buy an affordable home
- You intentionally use debt as a tool
- You drive your cars for 10 years or longer
- You plan for future expenses by using specific savings accounts
- You’re good at money management
You live in the moment. You’re focused on what’s happening right now and are willing to spend your money to make life a blast. For you, it’s about making great memories today.
You get a thrill from the purchase. It doesn’t matter if you’re shopping the most expensive brands or in a thrift store. The price isn’t as important as the thrill of the buy.
You get a thrill from the purchase. It doesn’t matter if you’re shopping the most expensive brands or in a thrift store. The price isn’t as important as the thrill of the buy.
- You love to buy things for other people.
- You get joy out of giving gifts
- You’re proud of helping others out
- You feel compelled to donate to charity and don’t understand people who don’t
- You don’t let money get in the way of living a full life
- If you want something, you get it
- You like to drive a nice car
- You wear brand name clothing
- You love new gadgets
- You don’t fear debt
- You’re fashionable and always make a statement
- You tend to be self-reliant and quick thinking. You don’t mind handling uncertain situations, in fact, part of you lives for these situations.
- You’re flexible and can adapt on a moments notice. You find impulsiveness thrilling.
- You despise monotony.
- You occasionally stray from obligations to try new things.
- You change your mind with minimal regret or second guessing.
- It’s hard for you to focus on one thing for a long time.
- Your spontaneity attracts appealing strangers and circumstances to your life.
- You’re driven by what happens next.
- You thrive on being on the leading edge of things.
- You enjoy sharing the latest technology, fashion trends and restaurants with people who matter in your life.
- However, you are not bored by romantic relationships that are stable and predictable.
- You’re not afraid of falling in love.
- The early phase of a new relationship is energizing for you.
- You see the deeper value of long-term relationships, and more often than not, this is what you’re looking for.
- You’re highly spontaneous and connect with your world in a child like way, with sheer wonder and fun.
- It’s likely you didn’t develop productive work habits in school as the monotony of routine bored you and you were not motivated to excel in this environment.
- You’re usually better off working as part of a team than working alone.
- When you’re working on something you’re passionate about, your personality can move heaven and earth.
- You tend to be a better starter than finisher.
- More than half the time, you take risks for the fun of it.
- The reason you seek out risk is because it helps you try new things and solve tricky problems.
- You feel compelled to push yourself out of your own comfort zone.