Over 65 and already on Medicare?

Each year, between October 15th and December 7th, there is a window that opens for you to switch out of your current Medicare plan and into a new one.

This is called the Annual Election Period, or AEP for short.


Here’s just a small list of what you can do during AEP:

  • You can switch out of your current Original Medicare Plan and enroll in Medicare Advantage.
  • You can drop your Medicare Advantage plan for Original Medicare, with or without a Supplement to cover the ‘gap’ in coverage between what Medicare pays and what you owe.
  • You can elect to change from your current Medicare Advantage plan to a new one.
  • You can switch to a new Medicare Part D plan (prescription drug coverage.)

During the Annual Election Period, the plan benefit changes for the upcoming year are released. This is important because it allows you to look at your benefits for the following year and make sure your needs are being met.

We’ve created a printable checklist that will help walk you through your Medicare Advantage plan decision process:

Download the FREE Medicare Advantage checklist

>>Click here to download the checklist<<

Questions you may have:

  • Are all my medications still going to be covered or do I need to find new Part D coverage?
  • Is my Part D premium set to increase in the coming year?
  • Should I cancel my current Part D?
  • Should I get Part D coverage if I don’t have it and determine I need it?
  • If I’m on an Advantage plan, is my doctor going to be in the network next year or not? If not, what are my alternatives?

Every year in September, you’ll receive an Annual Notice of Change letter in the mail. This letter will explain all changes that will be impacting your plan in the coming year.

AEP only comes once a year, and it goes by fast. Make sure you take our free Medicare Benefits Finder Quiz to be certain you’re getting the benefits you need in the best possible plan.

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