Who is eligible for Medicare under the age of 65?

Medicare is available for certain people with disabilities who are under the age of 65. These individuals must have received Social Security Disability benefits for 24 months or have End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) or Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease).
What Medicare Benefits are Available for People with Disabilities?
Coverage is the same for people who qualify for Medicare due to disability as it is for those who qualify based on age (turning 65). This includes people with dementia, mental illness, ALS, MS, and other long-term and chronic conditions.
There are no illnesses or underlying conditions that disqualify people from Medicare coverage.
Because of this, millions of Americans under the age of 65 and already on Medicare can qualify for additional benefits.
The benefits include:
- Premiums starting at $0 per month
- Coverage for copays and deductibles
- Prescription drugs
- Dental
- Vision
- Hearing
- And transportation to the doctor and pharmacy
Our company has helped qualified people receive additional benefits like:
- Massage services
- Meals after a hospitalization
- Food for their dog
- A wellness membership
- Vitamins and groceries
- Home improvements
- In home care
- Pest control services
For those who are eligible, all of these benefits could be available. Are you one of them?
At 100Insure, we help people just like you to reach a better tomorrow. We believe the customer must always come first. That’s why we’re committed to helping you find the best deal possible in your area.
Discover the benefits you are eligible for – take our quiz today and see if you qualify.
What about beneficiaries?
Beneficiaries are entitled to an individualized assessment of whether or not they meet coverage criteria.
While there are certain criteria that must be met to obtain this coverage, Medicare shouldn’t be denied based on the person’s underlying condition or diagnosis:
- Beneficiaries should not be denied coverage because they will need healthcare for a long time.
- Beneficiaries should not be denied coverage because their underlying condition will not improve.
- Coverage should NOT be denied simply because services are “maintenance only” or because the patient has a particular illness or condition
The truth is, millions of Americans are eligible for Medicare benefits, even if they aren’t turning 65. But they don’t know they qualify and therefore miss out on these important benefits. Don’t miss out. Take our quiz now to see if you or a loved one qualify for benefits.
Do I need to sign up?
You automatically get Part A and Part B after you get one of the following:
- Disability benefits from Social Security for 24 months
- Certain disability benefits from the RRB for 24 months
How do I sign up?
You don’t need to sign up if you automatically receive Part A and Part B. You’ll get your red, white, and blue Medicare card in the mail 3 months before your 25th month of disability.
When do I sign up?
You don’t need to sign up since you automatically get Part A and Part B.
Click here to take the quiz and see if you have unclaimed benefits!