You Could Be Eligible For Better Benefits
Healthcare needs and Medicare options change over time. Whether you’re new to Medicare or you’ve been on it for years, we help you find the extra benefits and resources to help meet your diverse needs.

Dental & Vision Coverage
Most Advantage insurance plans include coverage for routine dental and vision care—coverage not provided by Original Medicare. Depending on your plan choice, dental benefits may include exams and cleanings, X-rays, fillings and even dentures and crowns. Vision care may include coverage for eye exams, eyeglass lenses and frames, or contact lenses.
Prescription Coverage
Members whose plans include prescription drug coverage have access to pharmacy tools and resources to help them manage their medicines. We want to make it easy for you to get the medicine you need, when you need it, and at a price that fits your budget.

PrePaid Card
Healthy Options
Paying bills and putting healthy food on the table can be challenging. That’s why certain Medicare Advantage plans offer allowances you can use to pay for eligible groceries, OTC products, utilities, rent, pet care and more.
Gym Membership / Fitness
With so many gyms and exercise facilities to choose from, it can be difficult to know where to begin. To start, look up gyms nearby that have what you need to work on your wellness goals. So, if you want to add swimming to your exercise routine, find a local gym with a pool.

Meals Delivered To Your Home For The Chronically Ill
See how easy it is to get refrigerated, home-delivered meals that are ready to heat, eat and enjoy!
Find The Plan That’s Right For You Based On Your Choices!

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