Can I Save Money on Medicare?

2022-11-10T19:16:48+00:00Medicare, Retirement|

After turning 65, and enrolling into Original Medicare, there is a period of time where you are able to change your plans, and switch to a Medicare Advantage Plan. Many folks choose to change plans to get more benefits. The biggest reasons for people wanting to change include not having enough benefits for routine vision, hearing, or dental. Additionally, people who are traveling internationally realize that they don’t have [...]

What Happens if I Need a Doctor While Traveling?

2022-11-10T21:27:39+00:00Medicare Advantage, Original Medicare, Retirement|

To many, retirement means freedom. Being able to wake up and do as you please all day, without the responsibility of work. Many older Americans use this time to travel, checking off places and things on their bucket list. If you plan to become a jetsetter upon retirement, you should check whether your health insurance coverage travels with you. When you travel, your coverage will depend on where you [...]

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